
What Is The Hepburn Act

Hepburn Act

What is the Hepburn Act 1906?

The Hepburn Act 1906 is a United states federal law that formally gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the authority to establish maximum railroad rates. This power enabled the regime to discontinue gratuitous passes to loyal shippers. Furthermore, the Interstate Commerce Commission was able to view all financial documents and records associated with the national railroad system. If whatever railroad system resisted these provisions, the Interstate Commerce Commission's rules of procedure would remain intact until the Hepburn Act 1906 or other associated legislation dictated otherwise.

Through the passing of the Hepburn Human activity, the Interstate Commerce Commission'due south potency extended to cover ferries, railroad sleeping cars, limited companies, oil pipelines and national bridges. The Hepburn Act 1906 was passed to transfer power from the individual sector to the federal regime—through the bolstering of the Interstate Commerce Commission the authorities was able to regulate railroad shipping rates. The Hepburn Act 1906 was strongly endorsed by President Teddy Roosevelt, who doggedly believed that the government should increase regulation and supervision of all railways engaged in interstate commerce.

The Heburn Act was passed in response to the Standard Oil Company'due south monopolization of the oil market place, and hence its command of oil prices. To curb the effects of monopolization, the Us Congress passed the Hepburn Act 1906 to prohibit national railroads from hauling bolt that they mined or produced, except for those supplies that were deemed necessary for their own use. This portion of the Hepburn Act is regarded every bit the Bolt Clause.

History of the Hepburn Human activity 1906:

In 1887, the U.s. Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Deed, which made railroads the first industry explicitly subject to federal regulations. The government designed the legislation, which formally established a five-person enforcement agency (Interstate Commerce Commission), in response to public outcries regarding the predatory prices the railroads charged as a result of monopolization.

Following the U.Southward. Civil War, the railroad industry was privately owned and completely unregulated. Although each railroad company maintained a natural monopoly, the railroads became competitive in one case they began expanding into their competitor's markets. The manufacture quickly became distrusted by the public, who believed they would grade monopolies and abuse their political influence to regulate interstate commerce. The public accused the railroad manufacture—and rightfully so—of manipulating their stock prices and engaging in charge per unit wars, which ultimately led to egregious charges and depression wages for workers.  While this perception was mounting, the railroad industry was aggressively expanding throughout the United States.

The first attempt to regulate the railway industry came in 1871, at the local level. Illinois passed legislation to curb the effects of the railroad monopoly. Individual states; however, were fruitless in their efforts to regulate interstate commerce, equally the railway manufacture was exponentially expanding their accomplish and influence.

The Interstate Commerce Act aimed to address the unregulated marketplace past establishing guidelines for how the railroad companies could carry business. However, the job of creating specific measures was exceedingly complex and the government lacked a clear mission to enforce such rules.

The government wanted the Interstate Commerce Human activity to prevent monopolies from forming. The police sought to promote competition and outlaw discriminatory price-setting. The most successful provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act required all railroads to submit annual reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission and a concise regulation on the special rates the industry would arrange among themselves. That being said, the authorities needed to determine which rates were discriminatory before regulations could be imposed. This task was arduous due to an assortment of political and technical ambiguities.

How did the Hepburn Act strengthen National Railroad Regulations?

The Hepburn Act 1906 strengthened National Railroad Regulations in the following ways:

The Hepburn Human activity 1906 increased the size of the Interstate Commerce Committee and its attached powers—the Act tangibly increased the commission in regards to the bureau's operating budget and number of employees.

The Hepburn Act provided the Interstate Commerce Commission with the power to institute maximum railway rates.

The Hepburn Human action required the adoption of formalized and uniform accounting procedures for all railroad companies and carriers

The Hepburn Act 1906 brought other common carriers, including all businesses that transported data or goods for a fee (such every bit storage facilities, terminals, ferries and pipelines) nether the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission

In any situation where a carrier objected to the sanctions handed down by the Interstate Commerce Committee, a burden of proof was placed on the shipper and not the ICC. This shift in appeals situations represented a major modify from the previous policy, where railroads worked nether reduced regulations and lengthy appeals.

Further Regulation of the Railroad Industry:

The Hepburn Act and the Mann-Elkins Deed strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission and fabricated the government's regulatory power more absolute. The Hepburn Deed bolstered the Interstate Commerce Commission by changing railroad rates to ane the government viewed every bit reasonable. The Mann-Elkins Human activity shifted the brunt of proof on the railway companies; the railroad manufacture was now responsible to demonstrate that rates were fair and just. With these new regulatory powers, the Interstate Commerce Commission gained dominance over rail rates and the railroad market.

In the post-obit years, the United States Federal Authorities continued to diminish the railroad industry's power. For example, the Adamson Act of 1916 enacted an eight-hour workday for all railroad workers; this maximum piece of work 24-hour interval disallowed railway companies from exploiting their workforce.



What Is The Hepburn Act,


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